The Chicken Soup and Guava Juice

This is my fifth post and in this time I would like to describe processes of making chicken soup and guava juice. Actually, to make chicken soup is quite simple. The ingredients are not so many, but perhaps it takes some time. Meanwhile, in making guava juice it doesn't take a long time.

For the chicken soup, first, you prepare the ingredients such as one teaspoon of pepper, 3 cloves of garlic, 2 cloves of onion, one teaspoonful of salt, some sugar, and one teaspoon of seasoning flavor. Usually, I take the vegetables like carrots, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, leek, and potatoes. Since it is chicken soup, we also have the chicken. The first step is that the pepper and garlic are grinded then stir-fried. After that, the stir-fried ingridients are put into a pan that has been filled with 5 glasses of water. Then, they are boiled, but don't forget, the chopped chicken and sliced leek are put into that pan, too. After that, the sliced carrots, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and also diced potatoes are put together into the pan. We wait until it boils. After adding one teaspoonful of salt and some sugar, you may stir softly and taste it. If it isn't delicious enough, you can add a little seasoning flavor. However, if you don't like to use it, you just add more salt or sugar. Eventually, the delicious chicken soup is cooked and put into a bowl. The fried onion is drizzled on top of it to make it more delicious and smells good.

How about the guava juice? I love to drink guava juice and I usually make it by myself at home. I think it will be more hygienic and healthy. It is easy to make it. First of all, you prepare two or three guavas, some sugar, 3 glasses of water, and some ice cube. After peeling the skin and scooping out the cores of the guavas, you can slice the fruit and put into the blender. Before blending them, some sugar,3 glasses of water, and some ice cube are put into it. Finally, they are soft enough and are poured into glasses. That can be 2 or 3 of medium glasses.

Well, those are one of my favorite food and one of my favorite drinks. They're so tasty and healthy, right? :) Try to make them and taste the delicious. Have a nice cooking ;)

My Charming Lecturer

In this time, I would like to tell you about my favorite lecturer in PBI. It is quite difficult to choose the one who is going to be described because all lecturers in PBI are special for me. However, I have to choose him or her and I'll do. He or she is the one whom I admire so much.

The lecturer is a woman. She has round face and long black straight hair. The hair is so beautiful, but she always ties her hair to the back. Her eyes are dark and neither small nor big. She has a medium nose and beautiful thin lips. I look at her cheeks are rather chubby. When she's smiling, she looks so sweet. She also has bright skin. Talking about build, I think that she used to be slim. She has medium height, too. She is so charming, isn't she?

You can see that she is a tidy person. When she's teaching us, she usually wears blouse and black trousers. She also wears black flat shoes or sometimes sandals. She wears glasses, too. How good-looking she is!

How about her personality? I think that she is a kind-hearted woman. She's smart and broad-minded. She is also a friendly person. Sometimes, she laughs in the class when there's something funny. She is cheerful and I think that she has sense of humor. However, she looks so calm and warm when we're talking.

She is a punctual person. She has almost never been late. In class, she usually writes on white board the announcement about homework and tests if any. When we feel unsure about the meaning of a word, she then asks us to look up in the dictionary. So, we always bring our dictionaries in her class.

I think she is also good-tempered. She has never got angry to us. She teaches us and answers our questions patiently. I always pay attention to her when she's teaching. She has nice voice and always explains the material clearly. Now, in her 30s, she looks so bright and nice. She has married and had a baby.

Well, I think my description about her is so clear, right? Now, guess who she is.... ;)